Tuesday, May 5, 2009

May 5th How I'm celebrating.

Now that my garden is done and my gate is up, thanks for my grandson Brenton I am now ready to finish my spring cleaning. So today I will clean house, put up photos, return cable box and work on dish cloths for the club I belong to.
I joined the Monthly Dishcloth Kal club on yahoo. I love this site as everyone works hard to do the patterns and help one another. We learn a lot of new stitches and so far haven't repeated a pattern. We do two patterns a month, the first usually has something to do with the season or holiday in that month. I can't say enough about this group how much I like it. Yes, I know you are thinking what will you do with all those dishcloths. Well, I crochet a box and put several of the dishcloths in it along with hand lotion, or bath products and give them as gifts. My family and friends love them. The dish cloths are wonderful; I sware they are almost imposible to wear out. In this economical time where we want to save money, well they cost very little to make and you won't need very many or have to replace them any time soon. They are not only good for the kitchen but bath as well. I have friends and family who refuse to use them for the kitchen but like to remove makeup or use them in the bath or shower. I used an older one along with other products to clean the apartment I moved from, I was tired of that one I had it for 6 years. I couldn't wear that cloth out, I still have it and use it for a cleaning cloth. Hey, I used it with bleach and other hard chemicals one can barely tell it, it is only a little faded.
The other great thing, learning all those cool patterns and stitches. I already have some I'm going to incorporate into afghans. Some of the characters worked into the patterns made me laugh, they are so cute.
I will be including pictures later. I got a new camera, woohoo! Clear pictures and video! Got to love that, my old camera and my phone camera do not take good clear pictures and the video is to dark and blurry as well. I need the holder for the scan disk that goes into the computer so I can put the photos/video onto the computer. It is always something it isn't?
Welcome to Ravelry friends who are watching my blog and twitter sites, also to dishcloth club members/friends as well as my family and friends. :D
Since I woke up at 3am I either need a nap or coffee. So I'm off for now. Happy Knitting and have a great day.

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Experienced at knitting, Crochet & repairing.